This week, the Illinois Civics Hub at the DuPage Regional Office of Education concluded a month of webinars linked to the Educating for American Democracy (EAD) Roadmap with our favorite law professor, Dr. Steven D. Schwinn from the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Law for a recap of an eventful Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) term. We are grateful for the partnership of Dr. Schwinn to support #CivicsInTheMiddle in Illinois and beyond.
Dr. Schwinn built on our previous webinar, lead by the American Bar Association Division for Public Education, addressing the EAD Roadmap question, “How does the Constitution change both formally and informally?” Dr. Schwinn provided an overview of several cases that educators in the classroom could use to demonstrate how judicial review can potentially serve as a catalyst for social and institutional transformation, Theme 5 of the EAD Roadmap. Cases included:
- Mahanoy V. B.L
- NCAA v. Alston
- Gonzales v. Raich
- Fulton v. City of Philadelphia
- Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee
- Arizona Republican Party v. Democratic National Committee
Dr. Schwinn also addressed speculation around future retirements on the SCOTUS, what the rulings this term tell us about current alliances on the court, as well as issues the court may address in the next term. If you missed the webinar with Dr. Schwinn, you can access a recording for your own #PoolsidePD.
The Illinois Civics Hub has a number of resources to build on Dr. Schwinn’s webinar and help you address essential questions about the role of the courts.
- You can access previous webinars with Dr. Schwinn to enhance your understanding of the judicial branch.
- Visit our Curriculum Design Toolkits for resources to teach them about the courts with the proven practices of civic education including:
For more professional development on the role of the courts, the Northern District of Illinois District Court is joining with the ABA to host the Judge John F. Grady Virtual Summer Teachers Institute on July 29 and August 5. The Institute features a lecture and Q&A with Professor Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law. Collaborate with experts and colleagues as you dig into the First Amendment by focusing on the rights of assembly and association. Walk away with classroom-ready activities and resources. The Constitutional Democracy Project also has several opportunities to delve into the court system this July and August.
It is not too late to register for the rest of our Illinois Civics Hub summer Professional Development series! There are two strands of professional development. On Tuesday mornings, powerful pedagogy will be the focus to help with summer curriculum projects. Wednesday morning webinars will put the spotlight on some of the leading civic learning providers in the nation. Each session begins at 9:30 a.m. CT. Educators can join live to interact with participants or watch a recording. The webinars are free, and Illinois educators can elect to earn PD credits for attending the webinar and completing a brief, post-webinar application activity.
A description for each webinar and information to register for professional development credits through the DuPage Regional Office of Education is available on the Illinois Civics Hub Professional Development Calendar.